Friday, December 23, 2011

Of Kids and Christmas

As the excitement and wonder of Christmas quickly approaches, I wanted to share a portion of a blog post from the "Desiring God" website. The post is Called Of Kids and Christmas and is written by Rachel Jankovic. The article offers a great perspective on approaching Christmas with our kiddos...

"Our celebrations aren’t supposed to be smooth, effortless bits of quiet either. They should be as big and as glorious and as spiritual and as physical as we can make them.

Clearly, the attitude with which everything is done is important. If the house is full of physical holiday cheer, but Mom is yelling about the snow boots by the door, the blending has not been complete. If Christmas dinner turns out beautifully, but no one wants to be together, something has gone wrong. But the remarkable thing is that doing it all wrong, having bad attitudes, and resenting the work will not affect the power of Christmas at all. The neighbors throwing money at their children and resenting each other will not slow down anything.

That first Christmas was enough for all time, and no amount of fussing from us about all the busy work will slow it down. We can give each other stink-eyes all day long, and the world will just go on being transformed. The only thing that we can actually damage by losing sight of the point of Christmas is our children."

I encourage you to read the entire post here.

Have a Merry Christmas!!

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