Sunday, October 17, 2010

camping trip!

A few posts back, I mentioned that our family was going to experience a "first" together - our first camping trip!!

These are the sweet friends we went camping with. You may remember their faces from this post about our garage sale for our adoption. Kent & Danya graciously "hosted" the sale and allowed us to take over their garage for a few weeks! We are so excited that God has blessed us with these friends and is also blessing us with sons within a few months of each other. Kent & Danya are expecting a baby boy in February. We're looking forward to raising our boys together!

Ok, back to camping after a bit of a digression...

We began the adventure by setting up camp...

Later, we cooked our dinner by the fire...

And you must always end a campfire dinner with s'mores...

After the sun set (and the temperature dropped!) we decided it was time to go to bed...

Now there's a lot I could say about "sleeping" that night, but I don't know that my description would do the evening justice. The girls did great - fell asleep quickly and slept most of the night. I, however, didn't do as well. I believe I may have slept more in the hospital after giving birth to our children with nurses coming in every hour to check my stats and a crying newborn lying beside me! The experience didn't scar me too bad though. I do want to do it again; I'll just be a little more prepared next time!

So after surviving the night, we got the campfire up and going again and cooked breakfast over the open flame!

After a yummy breakfast, everyone was ready for a day of adventure...

It really was a wonderful experience! We had a great time with great friends and are looking forward to doing it again! But I will definitely pack warmer pjs next time...


  1. Sounds like your 1st camping experience wasn't toooo bad!! The girls look like they really had a great time. Love to all.....AJ

  2. So proud of you Min! I'm sure there are plenty of camping trips in my future with two'll have to give me all of your pointers:) Looks like the girls had a good time!

    Love ya,
