Because of the craziness of moving and the busyness of Thanksgiving, it's taken a little long to post pictures of my Addie girl's birthday weekend. Here are some of my favorite pictures of the birthday celebration. Ear piercing and Build-A-Bear proved to be lots of fun...
First stop, ear piercing! Addie was a little nervous but very brave!
Next up, Build-A-Bear!
We had a great time celebrating with great friends!
When we moved to our new Kentucky town back in February, we decided to rent a small home until we found the area of town we really wanted to live in. God has taught me so much about contentment and living on less while we've been here. Many of those "teaching moments" have come while we formed a waiting line outside the one bathroom door we've been sharing. It's been helpful to read this book... ...while on this journey. Although there seems to be a little controversy surrounding this book, I personally am a big fan and have been convicted and encouraged by it!
None the less, the time has come for us to say good-bye to our first Kentucky home and claim our residence elsewhere in this town. God's goodness has once again reigned true and He has provided us with a home that is beyond what we could've hoped for! His faithful provision has trumped my days of fretting about where we were going to move our family of four...soon to be FIVE!
Because the big move is happening this weekend, and I had to spend last weekend in Chicago, we are doing Addie's birthday celebration a little different this year. Just a glimpse of some of my favorite past birthday celebrations for Addie...
The Purple Party!
Everything was purple - the decorations, the cake, the ice cream, even the clothes the guests wore!
The Hayride/Bonfire Party!
The Play-Doh Party!
We traded (at her request!) the traditional birthday party for a Friday evening on the town that includes her restaurant of choice and a visit to Build-A-Bear. The night will end with the fulfillment of her 7th birthday wish...PIERCED EARS! The big night is tomorrow so I'll report back soon with pictures!
Has it really been seven years ago that my Addie girl was born? Seven years ago that God granted me one of the greatest desires of my be a Mom? Seven years ago that Lee and I drove to the hospital that early Monday morning? Seven years ago that I felt the strongest love and strongest fear all at one moment when I heard the cry of my child for the first time? Seven years ago that Lee and I understood how exciting a poopy diaper could be? Seven years ago that the amazing journey of parenthood began? It's hard to believe my baby is seven years old, but the proof is in the pictures...
Happy Birthday sweet Addie! You are loved and adored more than you will ever know!