Tuesday, June 21, 2011

annual family trip

For the past 6 years (with the exception of last year) my hubby's family has taken a trip to Gatlinburg together during the summer! This {somewhat} annual trip took place a few weeks ago and I wanted to share some of the highlights of the weekend that always promises much laughter and chaos! After all, there were 19 of us under one roof...

*the kiddos!*

*at the creek enjoying a picnic. this has become a "must-do" while we're there! everyone loves playing in the water and climbing on the rocks...*

*we celebrated my precious niece's 2nd birthday!*

*taking a stroll through the streets...the kids in matching clothes, no less!*

watching taffy being made!

*on a drive through Cade's Cove, the perfect background for a photo-op was spotted! although the request to stop for family pictures was met with a few grumbles, the opposition was out-numbered and we did manage to get a snapshot or two! we also walked through some of the old buildings there...*

my amazing husband seizing every opportunity to teach our girls the truths found in scripture. here, an old yoke initiated the conversation. i love this man!

Well, it's safe to say: Good times were had by all!

Stay tuned for a glimpse into the celebration weekend we had for this little cutie...

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures and the memories! Can you share them and anymore you have with me?
